Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Thirteen in 2013

I've never been much for New Year's resolutions. Sure, I could promise to go to the gym everyday and never eat Taco Bell again. But, seriously, who am I kidding? Working out isn't all that fun and Taco Bell is delicious. However, I do find it refreshing that so many people take the time to reflect on their lives and what they can do to make it better. Even if it only lasts for a day, a week, a month--everyone seems to stop thinking and start doing. So, this year I'm making a list of things I want to accomplish in 2013. 13 things to be exact...oh yeah, so clever.

1. Travel- this is already in the works. We are planning a trip to Boston in March and Italy (Rome and The Amalfi Coast)  in Septemeber. I can taste the gelato already.

(Image from

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(From Google Images)

2. Start cooking more. I like to cook, I just always find an excuse not to.
3. Spend more time with my family. My sweet grandma isn't doing all that well, and my nieces and nephews are growing up so stinkin' fast and I don't want miss out on their lives. I have really been slacking and getting caught up in my day to day. Work/Sleep/Work/Sleep. I've got make time for the ones that matter most.
4. Use my gym membership. Whether I make it one day next week or five, I need to at least try to get my ass in the door.
5. Finish up at least 3 house projects. We have done so much already but there's still plenty on the "to do list".
6. Actually get dressed and ready on the days I don't work. The only laundry I make consists of underwear, socks and navy blue scrubs. I'm sure my husband just loves coming home to see me with no make-up, sweats and a pony tail everyday...NOT.
7. Take the dogs for more walks. This one is tricky because we live in Ohio...and it's January. Not exactly warm right now. But, they need exercise and we have been very bad about making sure they get it.
8. Drink more water. I always reach for Coke Zero or coffee at work but I really should be filling water bottle up with H20.
9. Work some extra shifts and beef up my savings. No explanation here. I just want to have a bigger safety net.
10. Make it a habit to go on regular date nights- try new things! Go on a day date to the museum or window shopping instead of the regular dinner and movie deal we usually do .
11. Organize a little bit. I used to be so anal with everything when I was in school. I was that girl with the color coded binders. Now we are in this huge house and I have no idea where anything is.
12. Get the certifications I need for work. I have a couple of classes that I need to get knocked out but I keep putting it off.
13. This is a big one...start working on project "Baby Carter" by the end of the year. My husband is not quite on the baby train yet.  I am hoping after we get international travel under our belt, beef up our savings and make this house a little less of a shit show...maybe, just maybe, he will be more ready.  So, really this post could be titled "baby bucket list" as well.

**Update- I've actually got a pretty good start on some of these--with posts in the works to prove it! Yay. Look out 2013--I'm trying to make you our best year yet.

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